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Texas unemployment expected to hit 13 percent

​​​​​​COLLEGE STATION – In the week ending April 18, 298,146 initial unemployment insurance claims were filed in Texas, bringing the total since Ma​rch 26 to over 1.16 million, according to the U.S. Department of Labor ​​(DOL). 

The Real Estate Center estimates the unemployment rate across the state will rise to 13 percent. 

Using data from the DOL and the Employment and Training Administration, the Real Estate Center estimates that from March 26 to April 11, nearly 265,000 seasonally adjusted claims were filed in Dallas-Fort Worth. ​That is the highest of Texas' major metros. 

In Houston, San Antonio, and Austin, an estimated 243,000, 85,000, and 32,000 claims were filed, respectively. 

The Center estimates​ the unemployment rate in Houston, San Antonio, DFW, and Austin could be 9 percent, 8.4 percent, 8.2 percent, and 4.6 percent, respectively.  

Nationwide, over 23 million unemployment claims have been filed since March 26. Using March Labor Force numbers, the Center estimates ​the U.S. employment rate could be 18.6 percent.​

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​Source: Real Estate Center

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