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Vroom vroom: Texas fifth best state to drive in U.S.

​​​​WASHINGTON – Texas is the fifth-best state to drive in America, according to rankings from WalletHub. 

The Lone Star State ranked 19th in the cost of car ownership and maintenance and 14th in safety. Texas excelled in access to vehicles and maintenance, taking the number two spot. The category in which Texas did the worst was traffic and infrastructure, ranking 43rd.

Texas was also fifth in fewest days with precipitation, third in most car washes per capita, and fourth in lowest average gas prices.

Oregon, Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa took the top four spots. Hawaii ranked last. 

According to WalletHub, congestion costs the average driver of $1,400 per year in the U.S., which has ten of the world's 25 worst cities for traffic.

To compile the list, researchers looked at the cost of car ownership, traffic, safety, and maintenance factors. 

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