Sale of southern Colorado ranch could open iconic mountain peak to public
A mountain long identified with the city of Trinidad but inaccessible to residents and the public will one day be open to recreation and could become a key part of the area’s economy, if plans by the city, state agencies and nonprofits work out.
The Trust for Public Land and The Nature Conservancy have signed an agreement to buy the 19,200-acre Crazy French Ranch, which includes Fisher’s Peak. The 9,630-foot-high mountain is clearly visible from downtown Trinidad and figures prominently in many photos of the city.
However, Fisher’s Peak is surrounded by private property. As a result, it is largely off limits to the public. Two nearby state wildlife areas — James M. John and Lake Dorothey — can be reached only by a detour through northern New Mexico.
That will change after the purchase of the ranch is completed and it becomes public land. But that is a few years down the road, according to the city of Trinidad and others involved in the effort.
“It’s a big project. It’s not going to happen overnight. It’s several years in the future,” said Matt Moorhead, The Nature Conservancy’s director of business development and strategic partnerships.
The Nature Conservancy and The Trust for Public Land signed an agreement in early December with the ranch owner, French Trinidad Co. LLC. Great Outdoors Colorado, which uses a portion of state lottery funds to preserve and conserve parks, trails and open spaces, has committed to contributing $7.5 million and Colorado Parks and Wildlife has pledged another $7 million toward the $25.4 million purchase price.
Now, The Trust for Public Lands and The Nature Conservancy will concentrate on raising other public and private funds, including money from foundations, to cover the rest of the cost.
Another major task will be developing a management plan for the land. Public meetings and smaller group sessions have already been held to hear what the community wants to see happen.
Although The Trust for Public Land had been interested in Crazy French Ranch for a while, it began seriously considering the purchase when the city of Trinidad contacted the organization a little over a year ago.
“Trinidad has a lot of energy and momentum around kind of remaking itself,” said Jim Petterson, the trust’s Southwest and Colorado director. “I think it’s a great opportunity for Trinidad. I think it’s a great opportunity for the state.”
For decades, the southern Colorado community’s economy was driven by coal mining. More recently, oil and gas drilling has been part of the economic landscape. Opening the area around Fisher’s Peak to the public will give Trinidad the opportunity to expand its economy through outdoor recreation, Petterson said.
Outdoor recreation is a major driver of Colorado’s economy, contributing $62.5 billion annually, according to a state report released late last year.
“The ranch embodies the amazing history of this area. We look forward to conserving that for future generations,” Trinidad Mayor Phil Rico said in a statement.
And it’s an opportunity to make Fisher’s Peak accessible to the public, said Trinidad City Manager Greg Sund.
“Fisher’s Peak is an iconic natural landmark. It appears on all kinds of official seals” in the city, Sund said. “Quite honestly, I think people consider it their mountain, but it’s never been public.”
Once the purchase of the ranch is done, it’s not clear who will manage the land, which includes towering volcanic cliffs, forests, grasslands, wetlands and streams. Sund said it makes sense for Colorado Parks and Wildlife to have a role. The area is home to abundant wildlife, including elk, deer, bears, mountain lions and wild turkeys.
“The land will go into some kind of public ownership, whether it’s the city, Colorado Parks and Wildlife or another entity,” Petterson said.
Any plan will have to consider management of the forest and water resources, Sund said.
“We want to be sure we’re good stewards,” Sund said, “and make sure the use is appropriate and sustainable.”
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