Trick or Treat Safety Rules for Homeowners

It’s all tricks and treats until somebody gets hurt! HouseLogic has several suggestions to keep homes and candy-seeking guests safe during All Hallows Eve. First, make sure outdoor lights are as bright as possible; check the label on the light fixtures and use the highest wattage bulbs they can safely handle. Homeowners can always switch them back to a lower wattage after the holiday. Next, use LED lights instead of real candles in pumpkins; candles are just a fire waiting to happen. Also, put friction tape on any front steps – October can be wet and cold, which can easily lead to slippery or icy steps.
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Check out HouseLogic’s "Treat Your Home to a Trick-Free Halloween" spotlight for more information on how to prepare a home for Halloween. Ask homeowners in your community about how they prepare for Halloween. Talk to a REALTOR® about advice they would give a first-time homeowner preparing for the holiday.
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